
This captivating sculpture tells a heartwarming story of innocence, nature, and the enchanting connection between a young girl and her feathered friend. Girl Named Carol portrays a young girl, her visage brimming with innocence and curiosity, adorned with a bright pink flower gently nestled atop her head. Perched delicately beside her is a friendly bird,…

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This captivating sculpture tells a heartwarming story of innocence, nature, and the enchanting connection between a young girl and her feathered friend. Girl Named Carol portrays a young girl, her visage brimming with innocence and curiosity, adorned with a bright pink flower gently nestled atop her head.
Perched delicately beside her is a friendly bird, a symbol of pure companionship and the harmonious connection between humanity and nature.
Material:Resin & Metal
Size: 22x20x47 cm / 8.7”x7.9”x18.5”


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